Druce, Stephen

2021. Personal reflections on fieldwork in South Sulawesi and engaging with the work of Christian Pelras on the Bugis. In: Jérémy Jammes and Victor T. King (eds), Fieldwork and the self (Asia in transition 12)  https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-2438-4_17

2020a. Of native concerns: Brooke, the Bugis and Borneo.  In: Ooi Keat Gin (ed.) Borneo and Sulawesi: Indigenous peoples, empires and Area Studies. London: Routledge,  pp. 78-93.

2020b. A South Sulawesi hero and villain: Quahar Mudzakkar (Kahar Muzakkar) and his legacy. International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies 16(2):151–79.

2017. The decentralised Austronesian polity: Of Mandalas, Negaras, Galactics, and the South Sulawesi kingdoms. Suvannabhumi 9(2):7-34.

2016a. Orality, writing and history: The literature of the Bugis and Makasar of South Sulawesi (Introduction to Special Issue). International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies 12(1):1-5.

2016b. Transmitting the past in South Sulawesi: The Hikajat Sawitto and other Bugis and Makasar historical works. International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies 12(1):73-117.

2014. Dating the tributary and domain lists of the South Sulawesi kingdoms. in: Ampuan Haji Brahim bin Ampuan Haji Tengah (ed.) Cetusan minda sarjana: Sastera dan budaya. Brunei: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, pp. 145-156.

2001 Myth, marriage and trade: Exploring early political and economic ties between West Soppeng and Suppaq from about the late thirteenth century until the mid-fifteenth century. Walennae IV No.6 June.