Volume 12 Supp. 1 (2016)
Orality, Writing and History: The Literature of the Bugis and Makasar of South Sulawesi.
edited by Stephen C. Druce
Orality, Writing and History: The Literature of the Bugis and Makasar of South Sulawesi (Introduction to Special Issue), by Stephen C. Druce
Christian Pelras and His Work: 17 August 1934–19 July 2014, by Campbell Macknight.
Orality and Writing among the Bugis, by Christian Pelras (transl. Campbell Macknight)
The Media of Bugis Literacy: A Coda to Pelras, by Campbell Macknight
Transmitting the Past in South Sulawesi: The hikajat Sawitto and Other Bugis and Makasar Historical Works, by Stephen C. Druce
Family Matters: Bugis Genealogies and Their Contribution to Austronesian Studies, by Ian Caldwell and Kathryn Wellen
The Inside View on Makassar’s 16th to 17th Century History: Changing Marital Alliances and Persistent Settlement Patterns, by David Bulbeck
The Pau-paunnaIndale Patara: Sufism and the Bugis Adaption and Transformation of the Hikayat Inderaputera, by Nurhayati Rahman
Narratives of Sexuality in Bugis and Makasar Manuscripts, by Muhlis Hadrawi
Downloadable at: http://ijaps.usm.my/?page_id=3097 Individual links can be found under each author at A-Z.