
Archief Anton Abraham Cense (UBL 304) A.A. Cense (1901-1977) was taalambtenaar in Makassar in the 1930s and later Dean and President of Universitas Indonesia. In I949 he returned to the Netherlands and 1965 was appointed Director of the KITLV. The Cense collection consists of personal documents and manuscripts and is mainly concerned with the languages, history and culture of South Sulawesi. The archive also comprises the collection of his colleague Noeroeddin Daeng Ma'gassing (1870-1943).

Archief Heindrik Chabot (KITLV [Special Collections] D Or. 432) Hendrik Theodorus Chabot (1910-1970) carried out research in South Celebes before and after the Second World War. In later years he became professor at the Institute of Social Studies in The Hague. In 1950 he published Verwantschap, stand en sexe in Zuid-Celebes, translated 1990 as Kinship, status and gender in South Celebes with an introductiory essay and bibliography by Martin Rössler and Birgitt Röttger-Rössler. In 1968 Chabot received a “follow-up" study grant which enabled him to work at Universitas Hasanuddin in 1969. The research material he collected was never analysed because of his sudden death in 1970 shortly after his return to the Netherlands. His papers were donated to the KITLV and are held in the Leiden University Library.