Working Papers

Unpublished papers. Please contact author for restrictions regarding citation.

Bulbeck, David. 1994. Ecological parameters of settlement patterns and hierarchy in the pre-colonial Macassar kingdom. Paper presented at the Asian Studies Association of Australia Conference, Perth, July.

Caldwell, Ian and Stephen Druce. 1998. The tributary and domain lists of Luwuq, Binamu and Bangkala. Report on research carried out between under the Political Geography of South Sulawesi Project funded by the South-East Asia Panel of the British Academy.

Druce, Stephen. 1997. Report on the Vassal List of Soppéng. Initial report of the Political Geography of South Sulawesi Project to the South-East Asia Committee of the British Academy.

Gibson, Thomas. 2001. The legacy of Shaikh Yusuf in South Sulawesi. Paper presented at the workshop on Traditions of Learning and Networks of Knowledge, Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Oxford University, 29-30 September, 2001.

Lander, A. Yuri and Alexander K. Ogloblin. 2008. On Ülo Sirk and his work. In: Y. Lander and A. Ogloblin (eds) Language and text in the Austronesian world. Studies in honor of Ülo Sirk. Berlin: Lincome Europe, pp. 1-7.

Leibner, Horst. 2002. Berlayar ke Tompoq Tikkaq: Sebuah episode La Galigo. Paper presented at the Festival dan Seminar Internasional La Galigo, Kabupaten Barru, March.

Leibner, Horst. 1996. Four oral versions of a story about the origin of the Bajo people of southern Selayar. Paper presented at the Seminar Internasional Sejarah, Kebudayaan dan Masyarakat Sulawesi Selatan, Ujung Pandang, December.

Liebner, Horst and Ahmad Rahman. 1998. Pola pengonsepan pengetahuan tradisional: Suatu lontaraq orang Bugis tentang pelayaran / Traditional concepts for knowledge: A Bugis lontaraq manuscript on maritime matters.

Liebner, Horst, Thomas Förster and Nikolaus Graf Sandizel. 2016. Pra-survey at Sagori island, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia, the scene of the loss of a Dutch East India Company fleet in 1650.

Macknight, Campbell. 2014. BF Matthes, Boeginesche Chrestomathie: Table of contents. 

Macknight, Campbell. 2004. South Sulawesi before AD 1600. Paper for Asian Studies Association of Australia conference, Canberra, 29 June–3 July.

Macknight, Campbell. 2000. Report on the Australian National University OXIS Project Workshop, Canberra, July. 

Macknight, Campbell. 1988. The I La Galigo poetry of South Sulawesi. Paper presented at the panel on long literary works in the oral style at the Asian Studies Association of Australia Conference, Canberra, February.

Miller, Christopher. 2014. From Surat to surat: New evidence for the transmission of literacy by early Gujarati traders in Sumatra. Indian Ocean World Centre talk series McGill University, 27 November.

Miller, Christopher. 2011. Indonesian and Philippine scripts and extensions not yet encoded or proposed for encoding in Unicode as of version 6.0. A report for the Script Encoding Initiative.

Noorduyn, J., with René van den Berg. 1993. A language description progress chart (LDPC) of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Unpublished typescript, 15 pp.

Pelras, Christian. 1985. From domains and kingdoms to Desa and Kabupaten: Socio-spatial structures of the Bugis country (Sulawesi Salatan) in historical perspective. Paper presented at the Fifth Colloquium on Indonesian and Malay Studies, Sintra, Portugal.

Pelras, Christian. 1971. Hiérarchie et pouvoir traditionnels en pays Wadjo’. Archipel 1971 (1):169 - 91. English Summary.

Saenong, Faried F. 2012. Kindred endogamy in a Bugis migrant community: Intersections: Gender and sexuality in Asia and the Pacific 30. Pre-publication draft.

Salombe, Cornelius. 1978. Addatuang Pammana: One of the oldest kingdoms in South Sulawesi as recorded in the lontaraq entitled "Pappasenna Lombong Ulu". A Buginese lontaraq written about the beginning of the 17th century at the time when La Pappatinring ri Pasarie Massora Siwalie was the Datu ri Pammana IV. Working paper presented at the seminar of history held in Ujung Pandang June 29th-2nd July.

Wiebke, Kirleis, Johannes Müller, Corinna Kortemeier, Hermann Behling and Santoso Soeghondo. 2012. The megalithic landscape of Central Sulawesi, Indonesia: Combining archaeological and palynological investigations. Crossing Borders 16: pre-publication draft.